

A day in the life...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

So I'm leaving a downtown Carls Jr. with a 99 cent big hamburger at a quarter to midnight headed to catch the last bus 240 to Jordan Landing, when a confident man in well-worn clothes approaches me with a buck and a quarter. I assure him "No, I'm fine", yet he insists and after a bit more resistance I accept the cash and head to the bus (leaving in T-minus 2:37). I'm not sure he thought I was homeless & hungry, given my transient look (backpack with sandals attached and somewhat old clothes), or just generous. Whatever the case I was impressed with his willingness to give regardless of his own situation--I could've sized him up like he did me: homeless or at least in need.

There are many givers in this world--both rich and poor. Most give proportional to their means. Yet some stretch themselves when their hearts invite them and impart freely of their substance--perhaps knowing it really doesn't belong to them, but to God (Mosiah 4:21-22).

Render to Him all that you have and are (Mosiah 2:34).

Friday, November 2, 2007

I'm about to publish my Retro Road Trip yet something holds me back. I always feel like something needs to be a bit more polished and want to add more...phooey! Let's get on with it--you've got a life to live loco, and it involves more than sitting in front of a computer!

Yikes, where did he come from?


The decision has been made: I am a recreational writer and designer! I recreate, I write about it, and I design recreational products--all incubating currently. But it's about time to change that! I am going to re-create Recess, write (and publish!) on the side, and keep cooking up creative concoctions (and take'm out of the oven!). Now we just gotta figure out how to make it happen. Any Ideas?

Tuesday October 9, 2007

The decision has been narrowed to two (not 'tutu' ballerina attire): Instructional Designer or Recreation Director. I have a lot to offer in both areas. Now we just gotta decide on one (none = whatever you happen upon--like going in circles on a bus).

We'll figure it out!

What I'm really shooting for down the road is Galaxy Director--but I've got a ways to go.

3:17 am Monday September 17, 2007

When you first come out of the womb you're usually not ready to communicate adding 'adiah' to your chosen name of Jedd--especially when it's 3:17 am! Hence, we add it on our own later with gratitude for our chosen name (which lends so well to the 'adiah' addition).

Scrapbooked and all, here I am 36 years ago, still clueless how to communicate the 'adiah' addition. Yet excited to explore the world around me through my mouth (I especially liked my thumb). Mom looks too tired to hear any name changes and I had a tendency to only communicate feed me, I'm pooped, and I've pooped.

This baby growth achievement chart shows some fun stats like 'I pulled myself up at 7 1/2 months' (the battle continues) and 'I stood alone at 9 months' (this one's still debateable).

Somehow, I'm failing to find anything about cutting the strong attachment to my mom (A.K.A. the umbilical cord). Apparently it's still attached--'Hi Mom!' (my mom just woke up and checked on me--the cord movement must've roused her).

Hmmm...if I were to create an updated fact sheet what would it say?

At 36 years…

I weighed: 155 lbs.

I grew: 70" (5'10")

I pulled myself up: A few times a day

I stood alone: At the bus stop

Necessary Immunization(s): Bachelorhood.

Umbilical Cord Cutting: As soon as scissors strong enough to cut it are invented.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ahhh...this life is full of so many exhilarating options to experience. The most current option chosen (drum roll please): Rental-car-camping!Have we done this one before?

I'd been desirous to try out a Dodge Caliber for awhile and was fairly pleased. I liked the chillzone (air-conditioned refrigerator) and the versatile flat-folding seats (including the front passenger). Yet found it difficult to stretch out fully diagonally (or straight). I had to use an inflatable pillow to bridge the gap between the front and rear seats which still left me uncomfy, tossing and turning much of the night. Perhaps this car is better suited for your average cargo (or shorter human cargo?).

Either way we still had fun and made the most of a short trip!...including an amazing rainbow wake-up, a spectacular sleeping spot, moving music, and incomparable company!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Rise above the routine! Live, Love, Listen & embrace the truth heard on your ipod (or computer in my case). I love this song I recently heard 'We Live' by Superchic--the words and melody move me. It's inspiring me to get off this computer, hit the gateway, blow some bubbles, create a geyser fountain toy, and live life.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I rented a room a few nights ago (Aug. 4, 2007) through National/Alamo Rental Car/Room services. They provide stellar room service without realizing it--impressive! This time I tried out a Saturn Ion--which is the smallest (better mpg!) car I've camped in. Quite cozy! I simply slept diagonally with half my body in the trunk and the other half on the fairly flat fold down interior trunk access area. Perhaps the highlight of the trip (besides a smoother, more reliable vehicle) was (oh, and a little side-trip) camping at a rest stop in Dubois Idaho in between a big rig and an RV.

I felt safer in these monster stalls, next to the monster vehicles and figured some diversity (in the form of a caRV) would be fitting.

Friday, June 1, 2007

I'm looking at two brothers. One with a nearly shaved head, the other with fluffy hair a few inches past his shoulders. The first a flying ace trampoline high-flyer. The second a supportive brother watching with a loyal dog by his side. The first full of energy and spontaneity, the second somber and reflective. Both good-natured, yet unique natures. They hug, slap hands in parting, and go their different directions. Worlds apart, together still--Family.

(Observed at the IKEA Grand Opening May 23, 2007)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The rental-car-camping adventure began Friday, May 4 at the Salt Lake International Airport and is going quite well. One of the highlights (at least story-wise) happened Sunday night when I camped at the Police Station. I'd been wanting to for quite some time (good security and knowledgeable car-camping officers) yet had never been brave enough and knew my somewhat spiteful intentions were wrong. Hence, with confidence soaring and guile gone I pulled into the Mesa Police Station visitor parking lot, looked around for a less lighted spot, drove there, made my bed, hopped in it and settled down (just for the evening). About this time stars & stripes began to play on my cell phone and in order to avoid drawing anymore attention my way, silenced it. I informed Ray the reason the next evening and he understood--except why I would be living in a car (rental or not).

The Police Station turned out to be a peaceful spot--no drama or disturbances (except for a dim lamp post light that continued to flash off and on throughout the night) Hmmm...police, flashing lights? A common combination.

The ironic part is that in another part of the valley (Tempe) a car-camping friend of mine was rousted from his slumber while camping in the street near some apartments. Apparently some suspicious activity had happened in the area before and his setup (a far from mint condition van) had the look. My shiny subaru, on the other hand, may have been left undisturbed. When I asked my friend where I should camp my first night in the valley he responded "In that--wherever you want!" So, I headed to the police station.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"So when you gonna camp in the lot Jedd? I've been waiting for you!" Such a question from one of my bosses caught me by surprise, but I ran with it fairly well--"As soon as my caRV & I are reunited, we're taking a little break." Other co-workers proceeded to give input as to where I could camp and of others who are currently camping on campus. A part of me is excited about their adventurous information and considering these options. Yet, another part of me has experienced many urban camping adventures and wonders if it's time to live life like it's best-lived: Together! In a place with space conducive to peace and harmony. Plus, perhaps it's time to practice being a 'provider' by acquiring a place with more space (though my car is pretty roomy--my nieces and nephews have even camped with me:-O) A wise decision will be made soon. Either way--full-time urban camping is over.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring has sprung! Yaaahhhh-Ccchhhooooo! (both me and my nose are feeling the fever). None the less it's beautiful to watch the world bloom. This year I discovered the preparation which goes into a bud before it blossoms.

While waiting at a downtown bus stop a few months back in the dead of winter (Dec./Jan.) I noticed buds on a nearby tree taking shape. This surprise discovery led to an investigation of many tree buds in the valley. Conclusion: a large percentage of trees prepare (buds) to blossom and bloom far in advance--soon after their leaves fall and their season ends. This preparation impressed me. They didn't waste any time preparing for next season. They hardly even took a break. I knew I needed to do the same in order to bloom and blossom when springtime arrived or face a bleak situation watching the world bloom while I withered away in remorse.

Well, it's here! What's the verdict--Am I blooming or bombing? Hmmm...hopefully I'm just a late bloomer. I know I've been trying and though we're not quite there yet, we're closer. We're definitely closer.

P.S. Later, as I looked closer at the original tree near the bus stop I saw some buds which had begun to blossom (still dead of winter) during some warm spells. Later, these blossoms had fallen to the ground dead. They had blossomed before their time.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's interesting getting a glimpse into others (and my) lives on the highway of life. We're all trying to figure out 'the full-filling' life at varying speeds on chosen (or random) roads. We all attempt to get where we're going and what we're looking for, yet often discover our intended destination isn't all that full-filling. Some of us assess the situation and make a course correction, others make the most of an unfull-filling intended destination, still others stand back and observe, yet never really go anywhere.

My life continues to be up and down, adventurous and monotonous, exciting and dull, happy and sad...but overall good and bound to get better. I'm slowly surrendering to some realities in life and am approaching (at least eyeing it) provider status. Seeing a number of people in similar situations is helping me relate and better envision how life is best lived.

I continue to divide my nights between the Avenues Hostel, Lynns, Camelot Hostels (there's three of these), Mom & Dad's, occasional caRV-camp (snore-free & fan-free!), and recently a random budget hotel when I stranded myself while trying out a new hostel which was closed by the time I got there.

The rest is still unwritten...
